
SUNERGY Official Video
We are continuing our commitment for reaching a large scale European initiative based in a circular economy enabled by the conversion and storage of renewable energy into fossil free fuels and chemicals. Our initial project has evolved during this year and we are now...
Video of the SUNERGY Kick-off event
The SUNERGY Kick-off event served as the joint final event to close the preparatoy actions SUNRISE and ENERGY-X and also to introduce the result of their merging: the new SUNERGY initiative. Watch the video to know more: You can also find a wrap-up about the...
Bye bye, SUNRISE!
It has been one intense and exciting year for all of us – and specially for our partners! As the SUNRISE initiative comes to its end, we asked six members of our consortium to share their insights about these past 2 years. Watch the video to find out what they...
Solar energy for a carbon-neutral society: Interview with Katrin Mueller
What will happen if we don’t achieve negative-emission by the 2nd half of the 21st century? Can we target climate change through solar energy sources? These are some of the questions that we asked our partner Katrin Mueller during the SUNRISE consortium meeting held...
Registrations open for the SUN-ERGY kick-off meeting
On February 5-6, 2019 there will be the official kick-off of SUN-ERGY, a large-scale, integrated R&I initiative in the area of fossil-free fuels and chemicals. SUN-ERGY stems from two European flagship initiatives on Energy, SUNRISE and ENERGY-X, which will end in...
Breaking down the Artificial Photosynthesis: Interview with Huub de Groot
When asked about the future of the first application of the artificial photosynthesis, Huub de Groot is optimistic: “It will be happening in two years, when we really expect to be in a situation that we can have solar panels that make hydrogen.” During the SUNRISE...
SUNRISE will promote solar fuels at COP25!
We are happy to announce that SUNRISE will have a booth on December 5, 6 and 7 at COP25 in Madrid! The SUNRISE stand will be placed at the Green Zone of IFEMA, within the Science & Innovation area. Come & visit us!
SUNRISE releases its technological roadmap to a clean energy EU!
We are thrilled to present our freshly released technological roadmap! The SUNRISE technological roadmap is the result of the integrated knowledge of a broad group of scientists across Europe and a key step to engage the whole community towards building a climate...
From fossil to renewable fuels: Interview with Hélène Lepaumier
When asked about the future of the sustainable energy, Hélène Lepaumier is optimistic: “Moving away from the use of fossil fuels will be a long process, but it is definitely feasible if we have cheap and abundant energy to produce these renewable fuels.” During the...