Recent Events
SUNRISE Meetings
SUNRISE Final Consortium Meeting
From the afternoon on Monday 3 February to the morning on Wednesday 5 February, 2020 SUNRISE had its final consortium meeting at the EERA offices in Brussels. This was an internal meeting for SUNRISE members where to review the work done so far and discuss and focus...
SUNRISE Finland Stakeholder Workshop
About 65 attendees from all the SUNRISE official supporter organisations in Finland (and not only!) attended the CSA initiative’s Finnish workshop in Turku on December 9, 2019. The meeting was organized by the SUNRISE Finnish chapter, the Nordic Centre of Excellence...
ENERGY-X Stakeholder Workshop
Picture caption: ENERGY-X coordinator Jens Nørskov, during the opening session of the stakeholder workshop ENERGY-X organized a strategic Stakeholder Workshop in Frankfurt on December 2, 2019 in collaboration with SUNRISE. Both initiatives will merge to...
SUNRISE consortium & Mission Innovation meeting
Picture caption: SUNRISE members during the consortium meeting On October 9-11, the members of the SUNRISE consortium met at the welcoming offices of the initiative’s partner EERA in busy Brussels. The main objectives were the SUNRISE mid-term review, address...
SUNRISE France Stakeholder Workshop
Picture caption: Frédéric Chandezon, Hervé Bercegol, and Vincent Artero from CEA, during their respective talks.Over 75 stakeholders took part in the French SUNRISE Stakeholder Workshop under the aegis of ANCRE, the National Alliance for Energy Research on October 8,...
SUNRISE Switzerland Stakeholder Workshop
Picture caption: The best choice of SUNRISE technologies (green box) and related transformation pathways requires a system understanding. This includes information on input materials and resources (blue box), infrastructure, processes and technologies (brown box), and...